High Performance .NET Development
.NET 9.0 is fast. The modern, cross-platform .NET and ASP.NET Core are highly optimised, enabling incredible performance across desktop and web applications. But to take the best advantage of this underlying power, your code needs to be optimised too. Writing code with performance in mind makes your application more responsive for users, and can lower hosting costs for cloud-based deployments.
- Apr 29Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC)1 day07:00 - 15:00 UTCRendle .1 100 AUD
This workshop covers:
- Using BenchmarkDotNet to test and optimize algorithms
- Load-testing Web APIs and sites
- Exploring performance during development using the .NET Aspire tools and OpenTelemetry
- A grab-bag of performance tips and tricks that can be applied to any .NET solution, from low-level optimizations to simple configuration changes
Attendees will be expected to be familiar with .NET and C#.
Computer setup
- .NET 9
- Your preferred IDE or editor
- Docker Desktop (or Rancher or Podman)

Rendle is the founder of RendleLabs, which provides consulting services and workshops to .NET development teams across all industries. Their particular obsessions are API design and development, performance, Observability and code-base modernisation, as well as eliminating unnecessary complexity wherever possible. They also use skills acquired during a few years as a professional stand-up comic to deliver entertaining and informative talks at conferences around the world, and recently learned to play bass so they could join tech parody band The LineBreakers.