Mod(C++) Intermediate

Mod(C++) Intermediate is a two day training course. It is ideal for people who have some C++ experience or that have taken Mod(C++) Fundamentals.

    The Intermediate course gives the students a deeper understanding of how one should think and program in “Modern C++” ( C++11/14/17/20). The exercises will all be based around a 2D graphics game inspired by Ms. Pac-Man.

    Topics covered in the course include:


    • Introduction to the training Presentation of the project
    • Function overloading
    • Operators
    • Class templates, function templates, non-type parameters
    • Aliases and and alias templates
    • std::variant and std::visit
    • std::tuple and structured bindings
    • Variadic templates, fold expressions and parameter packs


    • Ranges
    • std::string_view and std::span
    • Constexpr and Consteval
    • Concepts
    • Special member functions (Rule of Five/Zero)
    • Pragmatic introduction to move semantics and return value optimizations
    • Safety: Riskier constructs in C++ and how to minimize their impact
    • Conclusion and review


    Students are assumed to have some C++ experience or should have taken Mod(C++) Fundamentals. They should be working in ( or looking to work in) a C++ project.

    Software needed

    The exercises will be done in a CMake based project. The students will need a development environment, a rich IDE is recommended, for example Visual Studio Code and Jetbrains CLion. A GitHub account will be useful.

    Patricia Aas
    Senior Consultant & CTO at TurtleSec AS

    Patricia Aas is an international speaker and has spoken at CppCon, ACCU, C++OnSea, NDC Security, NDC Oslo and many other conferences on subjects ranging from Sandboxing in Chromium to Vulnerabilities in C++. She has taught a range of subjects in Computer Science at the University of Oslo.

    Patricia has a masters degree in Computer Science and 13 years professional experience as a programmer, most of that time programming in C++. During that time she has worked in codebases with a high focus on security: two browsers (Opera and Vivaldi) and embedded Cisco telepresence systems.

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