Strategic Domain-Driven Design: Analysis, Architecture, and Modelling
In this 2 day course, intended for beginner and intermediate DDD practitioners, Nick and John will show you how to bridge the gap between business needs and software architecture. This is a highly-practical and hands-on workshop where you will be working in groups to analyze scenarios, identify design smells, and apply strategic DDD principles and patterns to design and evolve architectures.
On the practical side, you'll see how to work with Event Storming to map out business needs, and discover new opportunities in the domain. Then, you'll see how to use Event Storms as the basis for slicing up the business into domains and subdomains which are the candidates for software architecture and team boundaries (using various flavours of Event Storming (big picture, process modelling, software-design).
You'll also get a chance to analyze scenarios presented in other formats like Domain Message Flow Modelling and the Bounded Context Canvas. And you'll get to switch into the architect role and design architectures with these techniques yourself.
Throughout this course, you'll get to experience a diverse number of scenarios from different domains, based on the real world experiences of John and Nick. While the course is largely hands-on, you will also learn the necessary theory even if you have no previous experience of Domain-Driven Design.

Nick works with product and technology leaders to map strategy, model domains, design architecture and build continuous delivery teams while helping to deliver successful business outcomes. He is the author of Architecture Modernization (Manning), and Principles and Practices of Domain-Driven Design (Wrox).

Principle of Articulate Domain and Founder of Domain-Driven Design United States. Adaptive systems designer avoiding accidental legacy creation. Fan of the recent "Learning Domain-Driven Design" by Vlad Khononov. After leaving the US Air Force in 1997 as a Radio and Television News Reporter, held roles as a Developer, Business Analyst, Dev Manager, Product Owner and more.
Industries served are print, direct sales, banking, government, and insurance.
Experience in startup and enterprise environments.
John lives in Salem Oregon with his wife Sandy and two cats, Martini and Matisse. They head to the Oregon Coast as often as possible.